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About one in three U.S. adults has high blood pressure.Your blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, which is abbreviated as mm Hg. There are two numbers involved in the measurement:Systolic blood pressure. The top number represents the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats.Diastolic blood pressure. The bottom number represents the pressure in your blood vessels between beats, when your heart is resting.Your blood pressure depends on how much blood your heart is pumping, and how much resistance there is to blood flow in your arteries. The narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.Blood pressure...

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Como te decíamos, hay algunos alimentos para mejorar la vista que son buenos y que ayudan a mejorarla y a retrasar posibles problemas. Por este motivo, deberías consumirlos habitualmente para que te den el aporte de vitaminas para la vista que necesitas. 1. Zanahoria Empezamos con el más conocido entre los alimentos para mejorar la vista: la zanahoria. Además de otros valores nutricionales beneficiosos para tu salud, la zanahoria tiene betacaroteno, que se transforma en vitamina A. Este contribuye a la visión nocturna y ayuda a reducir las probabilidades de tener cataratas o degeneración macular. Entre otras cosas, también ayuda...

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🎯 Por qué es importante controlar la presión arterial? La presión arterial alta, o hipertensión, es una epidemia mundial que afecta a más de mil millones de personas en todo el mundo cada año, y el número aumenta constantemente.Debido a las complicaciones causadas por la hipertensión, como infarto de miocardio, accidente cerebrovascular e insuficiencia renal, muere uno de cada ocho habitantes del planeta. Sin embargo, los estudios muestran que el tratamiento apropiado para la presión arterial alta reduce el riesgo de un ataque cardíaco en un 15 por ciento y un derrame cerebral en un 40 por ciento. Por lo...

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Nutrition ValueLamb consists of proteins at the same time it also has variety of fat.The table below show the different nutrient values for 100gms of lamb meat.Calories 258Water 57%Protein 25.6gCarbs 0gSugar 0gFat 16.5gFiber 0gSaturated 6.89gMonounsaturated 6.98gPolyunsaturated 1.18gOmega - 3 0.23gOmega - 6 0.9gTrans Fat 0gGI and GL ScoreGlycemic Index (GI) is used to measure how quickly a food converts into glucose.Glycemic Load (GL) is used to measure how much a food converts into glucose.Glycemic response to lamb has no significant carb content, as result of which it has no effect on blood sugar level.While the glycemic index classifies foods according...

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You have many options when it comes to selecting fats and oils for cooking.But it's not just a matter of choosing oils that are healthy, but also whether they stay healthy after having been cooked with.The Stability of Cooking OilsWhen you're cooking at a high heat, you want to use oils that are stable and don't oxidize or go rancid easily.When oils undergo oxidation, they react with oxygen to form free radicals and harmful compounds that you definitely don't want to be consuming.The most important factor in determining an oil's resistance to oxidation and rancidification, both at high and low heat, is the relative...

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